Review: Arrow Fastener PT50 Pneumatic Staple Gun
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Arrow Fastener PT50 Pneumatic Staple Gun
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What Do Our Reviews Have To Say?
There’s a lot of good stuff to love with the Arrow Fastener PT50 pneumatic staple gun. It’s not a commercial grade staple gun, so it is an affordable addition to the home for your DIY projects. That doesn’t mean there isn’t some power behind what this compact and lightweight staple gun is able to do. If you’re ready to tackle your home repair list, then this might just be the one tool you’ll want to purchase.
Please note: This is a pneumatic staple gun, which means it requires an airline to a compressor in order to operate. If you do not have these items, they will need to be purchased separately from this staple gun for it to function.
What Do We Love About the Arrow Fastener PT50?
It’s the safety mechanism on this particular staple gun that we appreciated. When there are kids around as you’re working on the house, all it takes is one moment of distraction for little hands to be wondering what you’re doing. The tool looks pretty awesome, which doubles the invitation to “play” with it. The contact safety mechanism allows for safe firing of the staples and helps to prevent accidental firing as well, keeping everyone in the family safer.
We also appreciated how easy it was to load staples into this staple gun. Instead of a multi-step process that sucks time out of your day, you just open up the magazine. Make sure you check for jammed staples in there and then just insert your new staples and you’re ready to get back to work. Not every staple gun of this type or at this price point offers drop-in loading like this.
And then there’s the price to consider. You’re going to receive premium results at home for a relatively small investment. Your projects look clean and professionally completed.
What We Might Change About the Arrow Fastener PT50
When using this staple gun, more than once we had a misfire where no staple actually came out of the tool. The staples weren’t jammed and there was adequate air pressure to the unit at at 100psi. It provides a bit of an inconvenience, especially if you’ve got someone holding something in place as you’re trying to tack it.
For upholstery, certain crafts, and light-duty yard use the Arrow Fastener PT50 is a beast. For affixing wire fencing to wood posts, tacking cables, or other projects that are similar in demands, the PT50 can struggle at times. This seems to be due to its lightweight nature – the tendency is to not place enough pressure at the tacking site unconsciously. If you can remember to press adequately, the results tend to be a little better.
Overall this is a pretty good tool that works well in the 60-100psi range. It can be used right out of the box, is solidly made, and works for all but hardwood applications. Remember to keep this unit oiled and it will be a good addition to the tools you have at home for your DIY projects.
Click here to look at the price and buy the Arrow T50 Heavy Duty Staple Gun.
What Are Others Saying?
Product Tutorial – Arrow’s PT50 Pneumatic Staple Gun
Video Transcript
hi welcome to the arrow workshop today we’re going to show you the features and the applications of the arrow PT 50 pneumatic staple gun the PT 50 offers quality tool performance at an affordable price the PT 50 has an easy load magazine with a color-coded system to help you select the proper staple for your project complete with an over mold comfort grip an adjustable exhaust cover and contact safety this tool can tackle any home project the PT 50 is also capable of bumped firing which will speed things up and make bigger projects a breeze such as installing house wrap or roofing fill the unique bump fire design is not found on all leading brands of t-50 pneumatic staple guns the PT 50 pneumatic stapler is easier on the hand compared to a manual stapler which may cause strain after repeated use on larger projects included in the box are the owner’s manual pneumatic oil and two hex keys to help maintain the tool the tool comes with air inlet fittings and operates on home compressors up to a hundred and twenty psi the bump firing capability and firing strength makes the PT fifty perfect for larger home repair projects upholstery insulation and stapling into harder surfaces thanks for stopping by the arrow workshop we hope you enjoy your new tool [Music]
GPW 88 – Arrow PT50 Pneumatic Stapler (Unboxing & First Impression)
Video Transcript
alright guys so hello impulse buy I’ve been wanting one of these for a while this is a wide crown like t-50 staple a pneumatic staple gun so it’s a pneumatic versions of these clicky clicky ones you know that after about the third or fourth one pushing down on that thing the carpal tunnel kicks in and start to wonder if you’re going to be able to hold your beer but a little on one of these I bought one of these from Harbor Freight years ago for a project I did and every time I pulled the trigger on it the magazine popped open and all the staples fell out of it so I ended up taking it back and coming up with a different plan for how to do that project so I saw this in the big-box store the blue and gray one and impulse buy less than 50 bucks two boxes of staples in the stapler separate they didn’t come in as a kit or anything I think this thing was 35-ish dollars somewhere in there and these are a couple bucks apiece for 1,250 staples I got half inch or 3/8 so I’m gonna bust this thing open and we’re going to see what’s in the box what’s in the box blue reading material I do actually read these so I’ll do that off camera obviously who they sent you all nobody does that oh yeah already a better design than the Harbor Freight just on the magazine alone oh you’re not it’s basically just a little tiny pin nailer with a wider head on it nothing hardened in there okay and they send you the allen wrenches that fill up the little bench you know that you have laying around and you got a thousand of these things just laying around that bin you don’t it’ll take an hour to find the right one all right so um I’m gonna get to reading this thing right hell and oh look pistol a I’m trying to read that oh look it’s in a bunch of languages I only have five six pages to read sweet I’ll be right back all right so so far so good I was able to read all the words actually went pretty quick there’s a couple of things in here I want to note this thing actually does t-50 staples from quarter-inch to 9/16 so it’s six different sizes this thing’s actually pretty pretty good there or was it here we go this offers bump fire capability for quick firing so you can just pull the trigger and bump it that is awesome I’ve never seen that in the small little tool like this and look at this exploded view of parts in a list it does have the you can eject the air the exhaust you can turn this little doohickey here it’s kind of hard when you got sausage fingers and aim the air but all right so I’m going to lumber up get some air honor and some staples in there and we’re going to run this thing through some paces let me get all that set up we’re gonna try to get some hardwood some vinyl flooring some leather the biggest staples I have a half inch so I don’t really ever see me using anything bigger than those so we’ll see all right so I’ve got some of this like ultra tough leather I don’t know what this does called it’s not real real thick but except for real rugged this is a piece of that old oak and then this is some cheapo vinyl flooring if I’m actually wanting to use this I’m probably gonna be putting vinyl flooring on one of the rooms in the house and edge stapling it really don’t want to use a spring loaded staple gun to go all the way around that room so see this way look at there nice and flush it’s actually working what I’m gonna do that same time all right so far so good all right let’s try the the quick bump [Music] well I have to say I’m pleased a couple of them could use a little bit of a banging but it could just be closed yeah if you hold it down nice and firm it sinks it flat so this piece of wood right here is like some kind of mahogany or something and the reason it’s still in this world shape is because it I think just beats the hell out of my tools it’s really hard to work so we’re going to see try it up here I got to say let’s think I think you guys are going to see this thing in a project a little homeowner style project coming up if I do it I’m trying to find somebody else to do it I hate doing flooring but this thing is really handy for other stuff to you I have done some upholstery and upholster is actually use the hell out of these things and the ones when I first started hunting for these but what the upholsterer is usually like well over a hundred dollars and if you guys have been watching my channel at all you know how cheap I am I’d rather make something than buy it but I can’t make one of these so so far so good no complaints the only thing I will say on the Quickfire thing it’s leaving this little turn it like it’s rolling over and it’s probably my fault because I was just kind of moving across real fast and I probably just still moving when it fired so it’s leaving one corner sticking up but everyone that I came straight down on or had it pressed down when I pulled the trigger they are flush with the surface so I’m going to attribute these little tabs sticking up to user error so I know this tool is kind of a oddball tool it’s not something everybody’s going to want or need but if you do want or need one of these not a bad little tool it’s only a few blocks more than the one from Harbor Freight it works ten times better so the staple gun is not a tool that most people are going to use like for all day so the spring ones those are pretty much okay for everybody but if you have a compressor and you see a pneumatic version that works well and it’s not outrageously expensive I mean you know who doesn’t love pneumatic tools am i right so anyway thanks for watching guys and I will see you guys on the next one see ya you
Arrow PT50 Pneumatic Staple Gun review
Video Transcript
powertools little construction and spikes to do this time with the arrow PT 50 pneumatic staple gun welcome everybody a spike Studio product review this time we’re going to be looking at the good old power tools for the household this is from arrow this is the PT 50 this is actually a pneumatic staple gun they say this size and style is great for things like siding small furniture picture frames general repair this is not an industrial-strength one but this is great for around the house so it really liked that they sent this over comes with a case it comes with replacement oil comes with some wrenches they even sent along a box of T 50 staples which are 3/8 inch ten millimeter staples 1200 of them in here’s they sent a good kit to test everything out what we enjoyed about this one is of course simple packaging because it’s just a box there we go we’ll take a look inside and then we’re actually going to fire up probably a test we’ve got the pneumatic air compressor downstairs and they’re really having trouble there we go is caught on this nice little lock on here so what they do is they put a little lock to keep it shut during shipping so I’m going to cut that off and we’re going to take a look inside so now that we’ve done quick work with cutting off the tab on there was not one that you could easily just pull apart we had to actually cut it so we took a quick second for that look inside it comes with and as we read the instruction book and then here’s the actual size because a lot of people you look at it online and you’re looking at it when you’re trying to buy it even though it has dimensions and tells you things you want to know the actual size I do appreciate that they send the little oil bottle with it that’s actually a good touch so here’s actual size of the actual PT 50 from arrow it’s got a trigger set for you there it tells you the size staples works best with the t 50 staples quarter inch 5/16 s 3/8 all the way to 9/16 for best results use their genuine arrow staples they want to buy their staples which is fine but as long as you go by the size requirements you should know quarter-inch to 9/16 inch it’s quite a range of sizes that you’re going to get in here as well otherwise we’re gonna hook the up to the air compressor run it through some tests and we’re going to do it live as we put on the show of course safety goggles are all important so make sure you still have some of those we always recommend safety goggles we’ll be right back in a second and we’re going to fire it up so you can probably hear the compressor running in the background we put it outside the studio just so we could actually use it so we load up the stables keep an eye on two triggers one trigger this is actually load and unload the staple you should always disconnect first before you load it up second one is the actual trigger we have a piece of wood Wow nice and flush put it in there tight let me see that’s pretty impressive so we’re running it says between 60 to 100 psi is what you should run at probably run it about about 85 or 90 right now we’ll do one more that’s pretty straightforward and simple right there to do definitely so we’ll take a look at the staple part oh it’s disconnect of course so we’ll pull back on it so it shut down for a minute so doesn’t to prime up it’s at full full strength right now for the compressor but if you notice this lever right here will actually pop that lever turn this over and it lifts up a little catch that slides up your staple bar so here’s all your staples that are in here so we’ll drop them in where they need to go and that’s the best part of this whole thing is there it’s locked into place it’s ready to go so that was just the air now we’re going to drive a staple in as you can see R the pressure hitting the wood in here this is a standard 2×4 so it kind of most like a picture frame it’s soft enough staple guns ready to look ready to go it’s loaded up we’ll connect up the air again make sure our hands are away from all the triggers it’s locked so one more time while that’s down so you can actually hear it there we go so the staples are good and flush you can’t even see them across the top and you should be able to using them yeah we kind of like this so we’ll disconnect this real quick while we did finish the review so we want to thank arrow for saying this over this is the PT 50 it came with a bunch of staples already the T 50 staples they say to use as you can see was really easy to do it drove all the staples flush on this nice soft wood which isn’t to stuff that’s what you use a construction like a picture using this outside if you want to drive staples put things like insulation up fix furniture it’s easy to handle it’s lightweight as you can see look even capped the end to make sure we know we’re totally secure staples were easy to load they still seem to get jammed up some people reported some jamming we didn’t have it as you saw from all the tests we did as we use it more I’ll update the review if we need to otherwise thanks to arrow for sending over the PT 50 so thanks to arrow for sending over the PT 50 make sure you keep up with all our product reviews click the like button below click YES on silento the reviews were helpful and make sure you subscribe to all the product playlists because we like not just the power tools but the geek toys all day long thanks again
Stuff We Love: Arrow Fastener PT50 Pneumatic Stapler
Video Transcript
[Music] today and stuff we love we’re talking about one of the least known about but most used tools in my shop a staple gun and in particular we’re talking about a pneumatic stapler an air compressor powered stapler so Josh tell me the best the best tell me what you like about well I like the price of it first of all to Andrew I mean Home Depot for 33 so this is yeah yeah the arrow yep arrow PT 50 is what this is does anywhere from a quarter inch to 9/16 staples it also does stainless steel staples I mean you know those are strong II had a stainless steel so um yeah but I mean look at how small light it is so it’s never-ending no there’s no battery I know you got a hose but sometimes it’s nice to just have the hose for the power so that’s very cool you know I’m I still use my regular squeeze stapler and in my shop I was doing some speaker grilles a couple couple of months ago and I don’t know I drove like a hundred staples and then the next day I could barely like hang on dad thing the computer buttons right arm yeah yes so that’s why I love this thing I do I’ve done bolt bunks with it so the boat mark material wrapping them that’s why the stainless steel staples are nice you can do a pole street with it there’s so many things you can do with it and if you’re gonna reupholster something something like this makes ya so much easier because you’re driving a ton of staples easier and consistent yeah I mean this thing is consistent firing so to open it up for the staples that’s good it’s that easy and then you plug it in and then you just slip away and then also it’s got the bump firing on it so we’ve got the Aero PT 50 pneumatic stapler it’s about 33 bucks you can get it online at Home Depot stay tuned for more stuff we love small compact lightweight plus you [Music]
How to Load Arrow’s PT50 Pneumatic Staple Gun
Video Transcript
hi welcome to the our workshop today we’re going to show you how to reload the arrow PT 50 pneumatic staple gun the PT 50 has a bottom load magazine in order to load this tool pull down on the quick release lever open the magazine now you can load your T 50 staples making sure the staple legs are pointed up towards the ceiling drop them into the magazine close the magazine until it locks and now you can fire staples we hope you enjoy your new tool [Music] you
How to Clear a Jam From Arrow’s PT50 Pneumatic Staple Gun
Video Transcript
hi welcome to the arrow workshop today we’re going to show you how to clear jam from the arrow PT 50 pneumatic staple gun first disconnect the air hose from the stapler then turn the tool over now you need to release the magazine by squeezing the latch and pulling it open remove the jam staples from inside the magazine using a screwdriver or pliers to grasp the staples if necessary insert a full strip of staples into the magazine slide the magazine closed until it locks in place reconnect the air supply hose and now you can get back to work [Music]
Informtion On The Arrow T50 Air Powered Stapler PT50
Video Transcript
hi it’s steve from my toolkit co uk as you probably know by now stapling and nailing supplies today I’m going to do a tool review it’s the arrow PT 50 it’s quite hot off the press just coming to our workshop and as far as my where it’s the first air operated stapler made by arrow and it really does fit a niche market so let me show it to you comes with its own carrying case as you can see that the actual tool takes the t-50 staple now this is quite a niche because up until now the T 50 sometimes referred to as the one full row series has only been fired through electric and hand operated staplers so this is something because it’s going to give speed it’s going to give power now I’ll take a staple from six millimeter leg lengths right the way through to 14 mill now used a lot for upholstery but what I like about this although we tend to call it a fine wire staple the staple crown is quite flat and that is ideal because it stops that guillotine in of the materials ie the staple cutted through the material so it’s going to be super force or a breathable membrane in the construction industry very very fine fabrics etc well there’s a staple we’ve got a 12 mil there as I say one for o T 50 to undo the magazine there’s a lever there pull back the magazine bottom load the staple P and to close we can bring it up just operate the lever that’s it firmly shot I’ll put on the airline offer it to the timber now this tool has a safety on the nose so it will not fire until it comes into contact with the work surface I just put a couple of staples in there we are there so it’s going to be ideal for upholstery work etc 3 multiply stop of that to the timber nice firm fixing little bit material here there we go so there’s the tool could be ideal around the workshop and for the money it’s going to be fantastic it really is um it has got a top exhaust it’s not something I personally always like because if you’re working in confined spaces that air and oil mist it can irritate the eye but they have put a deflector on there so that old exhaust deflector will just take that exhaust in air away from the the eye level so there we go it’s a lovely little tool and yeah I just really can’t fault it the safety on the nose if I’m going to be super critical here because you got to depress that for working if you want to run it along fast it can just sort of interfere with the staple fire before but I am nitpicking there so there we go a great tool arrow hats off to you superb anyway see you again soon and you take care bye for now
Arrow Air Stapler First Impressions
Video Transcript
hey everyone this is a totally off-the-cuff unscripted spur-of-the-moment video I’m going to do an unboxing first impressions of this arrow t-50 pneumatic pneumatic stapler but first let’s explain the context now we already have a bunch of staplers I bought this boss stitch like 20-some odd years ago it’s a t15 style stapler I inherited this arrow from my dad this is a t-50 style stapler this is my wife’s we bought that a couple of years ago for use in her crafts room and this is another t-50 style stapler so why do I need another stapler well thing is is I’m working on a project which requires a bunch of stapling in hard maple it’s like well what do you do you do do some practice shots first and so I put foam that’s like nearly bring this in close here and like that is barely barely going in I did a bunch of tests and they’re all like that same with the boss dish staying with the Stanley they are just not going in the maple now of course you can once you do them part way you can finish the job with the hammer right but really unless it’s almost all the air unless it’s really almost all the way in like one of them went in okay but this one I mean it just smashed it flat and this one it just smashed it flat I tried test after test after test and you know it wasn’t the particular piece of wood it wasn’t the one particular staple or wasn’t that one particular little area it’s like no it’s hard maple and a manual stapler we’re just not getting along so I needed to solve this so I jumped on the web and checked my local big-box store and then I ran out to my local big-box store and I picked up this Aero stapler and I did it for two reasons number one it was only 50 bucks Canadian so pretty cheap and number two in the reviews they said it’ll punch into maple no problem or oak or any hardwood great so I ran out to the store and they had it in stock okay so there was three reasons they had intimate stock that was the third reason that I went out there and and and it’s a t-50 I already have two staplers that are t-50 so picking up another t-50 I’m figuring okay let’s let’s because yeah you can get crowned sleep you can get crown staplers you can get upholstery staplers and they’re all jacking up the price I’m sure I’m gonna use this for some other job but this is the main focus so I just grabbed the cheap one that had decent review and so let’s crack it open and make sure it actually works okay so I see on the front cover it shows the different sizes it’ll take staples from a quarter inch up to 9/16 I’m looking at a three-eighths inch T fifty staples on the back it lists all the different features it has an adjustable exhaust it’s got a bump trigger it’s got blah blah blah I don’t care hopefully it shoots take hold and what do you do with these things oh they actually come with some oil interesting here’s about the same size it’s about the same size as my rigid pin nailer similar similar weight to it okay I’m just kidding hey I’m gonna give this a quick flip through because I have been known to be wrong before so let me pause while I read the instal there’s nothing really spectacular here on the top here we can turn this it’s very tight but you can get that into the camera we can turn where the exhaust goes I’m gonna turn it that way for now here’s the trigger trigger you need to have the nose fully depressed before the trigger will go and then back here I pull this to get out okay I was doing that completely wrong hold this and then you load from underneath snap it into place put a couple of drops of oil in because I want my tools to last first time nothing try that again here we go totally sunk totally sunk let me try this side there we go beauty right into hard maple fact it’s probably going a bit too deep I need to back that off a bit how do I adjust that let’s figure that one out so this is all metal this is this is metal this is metal this is metal the triggers feel like they’re metal I mean here this is some sort of plastic coated piece on the top and a rubberized grip here I’m six four I have fairly large hands and it fits in my hand pretty good looks pretty solid for first glance for 50 bucks Wow but I was looking through the book and I cannot see any way that I can adjust the depth which is curious because it handles screws screws it handles staples from 1/4 inch to 9/16 so I would think there would be some way to adjust the depth that you are setting them air supply designed to operate on cleaning dry regulated air between 1600 psi use an air filter put some oil in blah blah blah nope nope nothing about adjusting the depth interesting so I went to my compressor and I turned the regulator down a bit and that’ll lets me adjust the depth I was running around 120 125 and I took it down to about 110 I think I want to have a little bit more but we’ll see so my first impressions are really positive I’ve done a whole row of staples here this is and there this is the this is my second piece of the project that I’m working on so I’ve done this four times now and every staple is is in hard maple beautifully sunk flush no jams I’ve run out of staples once and replaced it really impressed and that’s my totally unscripted impromptu first impressions unboxing of this arrow pneumatic t-50 stapler it’s not a review I mean I’ve had it for like three hours now definitely first impressions but really impressed I mean if I tried doing this with the manual staples I would not have been a happy camper I they they were not sinking into the maple I would have been banging them with hammers and they would’ve been bending all over the place bad words would have been said but really I’m silliness aside it just works and yeah this is not sponsored I just you know as I was driving to the store I thought I’ll make a video about this I haven’t done anything in a while and really 50 bucks well spent and that’s it for this one we’ll see you next time
Arrow PT50 Review : Arrow PT50 Pneumatic Staple Gun
Video Transcript
hello guys today we show you another review these are a farce and raro PT 50 pneumatic staple gun review let’s see air-powered staple guns are a must-have for any serious DIY they are far better than manual and electric ones because they deliver more power and are more efficient in the long run however finding a suitable pneumatic gun is not as easy as it sounds you have to think about a lot of stuff because if you don’t there’s a big chance you’re going to make a bad choice however we are here to help you with the issue instead of having to wander around the internet and look for valid answers you can find them all in one place here therefore if you’re planning to invest in a pneumatic staple gun make sure you read our detailed reviews and you’ll get a good insight into the capabilities and overall usefulness of these units when it comes to excellent DIY guns this one is near the top apart from being powerful and efficient it’s also quite easy to use and it doesn’t require a high end compressor as you may know if you don’t own a compressor already you’ll have to buy one in order to make this unit work however the great thing is that you don’t have to invest a lot of money in it because it works fine with any affordable compressor on the market people love the compactness of this model and it’s for a good reason other ones usually let quite cumbersome and bulky but this particular one is an exception it’s ergonomic design allows you to use it without having any issues with fatigue and pain this model is one of the smallest and lightest ones around using it is a piece of cake even if you’re in your seventies the innovative design is what makes this unit worth checking out while other models tend to have some flaws design wise this one has none it’s packed with a ton of safety mechanisms which is probably the most important thing in any stapler especially the pneumatic ones well that’s [Music]
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Arrow Fastener PT50 Pneumatic Staple Gun
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